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  • Exercice d’introspection, l’autoportrait questionne la vision de l’artiste par lui-même, sa place dans la société et la nature même de son art. Gustave Courbet, Camille Pissarro, Paul Cézanne, Vincent Van Gogh… plus de 70 œuvres sont rassemblées au musée Crozatier, parmi lesquelles 40 prêts du exceptionnels du musée d’Orsay.

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    "For me, the grandeur of nature is truly what inspires a large and profound sense of wonder in me. I’ve personally witnessed a lot of wonders that have made a lasting impression on me: The Redwoods, exploring Yellowstone, and the Grand Teton national parks. I’m also awed by landscape and nature photography and, of course, photographs and images of deep space. There is a great power in the stark reminder of being very small in a large, vast world. I wanted my world to capture some of that sense of scale, so I began featuring the world itself as the main character. Although, I do still love painting the characters and creatures that inhabit these lands, so I make a conscious effort to mix in more character-based paintings with the more grand nature paintings." [from:https://wowxwow.com/artist-interview/...] In art, creatives often either capture the beauty of their surroundings or render worlds of their own invention. Artist Andy Kehoe is one artist who brilliantly merges the two. He continues to depict alluring fantastical environments occupied by “human-animal hybrids and spirit creatures.” Each of his digital paintings offers a glimpse into a vivid setting complete with intriguing characters and narratives. Kehoe is greatly inspired by art from Romanticism—the 19th-century art movement that emphasized emotion and drama. He tries to create a similarly magical atmosphere in his landscapes. “With a focus on imagination and emotional response as the source of aesthetic experience, my fantastical imagery evokes a sense of wonderment by emphasizing the mystery and grandeur of nature and the cosmos,” Kehoe tells My Modern Met. While the artist's body of work is united by a theme of supernatural lore, each individual piece contains its own unique storyline. As the viewer admires the details of Kehoe's complex depictions, they can unpack an array of fascinating details that contribute to the mystique of Kehoe's paintings. [from:https://mymodernmet.com/andy-kehoe-di...]

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  • Avec l’avènement de la monarchie de Juillet (1830-1848), Ingres trouve notamment dans la famille d’Orléans un soutien de poids lui permettant de réaliser parmi ses plus grands chefs-d’œuvre. Ce sont ces liens étroits qui sont au cœur de l’exposition proposée par le musée Condé de Chantilly. Provenant de collections nationales et internationales, tableaux et dessins commandés ou collectionnés par les princes d’Orléans sont réunis à Chantilly, aux côtés de leurs études et leurs variantes. Pour cette visite privée, vous êtes accompagnés par Nicole Garnier, conservateur général honoraire du patrimoine, et Mathieu Deldicque, directeur du musée Condé.

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